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Missing 2 in a row forces the player to reset to zero at the specified spot on the floor, so shooters are forced to get into a rhythm while also being competitive with their teammates.
Jump shooters need to be consistent in their form and movements. This drill hammers home that point while also working with rebounders to focus on making accurate passes to shooters on the perimeter.
This is a partner drill with one shooter and one rebounder/passer. The rebounder starts with a ball under the basket while the shooter is in the right corner.
The rebounder makes the initial pass. The shooter catches and shoots. The shooter must make five from this spot and cannot miss two in a row from this spot before moving to the next spot, which is on the wing. Miss two in a row and the score in this spot resets to zero [A]. After making five (without consecutive misses), the shooter moves on to complete the same actions on the wing and at the top [B]. The actions continue to the opposite wing and corner [C].
The player does not go back to the beginning on two straight misses, just the score at that spot resets to zero. So, if the player misses two in a row from the left wing, the left-wing score goes back to zero. Set a timer and see who completes the drill in the fastest time. Keep track of the fastest and have that time as a goal throughout practices during the season.
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