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With 2.9 seconds remaining, the Wolverines took a chance on a cross-court pass, which worked to perfection en route to a last-season victory over Purdue
This set gets the ball in the hands of your playmaker and gives him an opportunity to take a dribble, score and win the game.
From a standard sidelineout-of-bounds-box set, your scorer is on the weak-side block.
The scorer screens across for the strong-side-block player as the strong-side elbow sets a high screen for the weakside elbow [1].
The scorer then curls around an in-lane screen and ends in the weak-side short corner. The top screener sets another pick to try and free the high guard in case the first option isn’t available.
The pass is made across the court over the defense and into the arms of the open shooter.
The defense has time to recover due to the length of the pass but the scorer has just enough space to take a dribble, shoot the ball off the glass and win the game [3].
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